"And the children grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon them." -Luke 2:40
Children's Ministry FAQs
1. Where is Children's Sunday School?
We have a nursery located on the main floor for babies through two year olds. Preschool Sunday School is located down the hall from the nursery. Our kids ages K-5 attend Sunday School on the second floor. Any greeter or person with a name tag will be happy to direct you.
2.Do children attend worship?
As a congregation which supports the priesthood of all believers children are an important part of worship. Children and parents are encouraged to utilize our worship bags during the service. Each bag contains a Bible, Crayons, and Children's Bulletin. Guest bags are available under the name tag board. In worship, we encourage kids to pray or read scripture as they are willing.
The nursery is available during worship for babies and preschoolers.
3. Does FBC-CS do programming in the summer with children?
Yes! We just finished Praise Camp (July 12-15, 2021) for the summer, but have a Family Game Night (Aug. 13), Fall Kick-Off (Aug. 22), and a family zoo day (Aug. 28) still to come. Reach out to the Emilia in our Church office for more information.
1. Who is allowed to work with children?
At FBC only staff and volunteers who have completed the appropriate forms and passed a background check for Criminal History and Sexual Offender information can work with children. Parents are welcome to sit in any class.
2. Will you give my child(ren) medication?
No. No medications will be kept in the classroom, cubbies, or diaper bags. With the exception of an Epipen staff or volunteers will not administer any medication.
3. Can you accommodate my child's special dietary needs?
Yes! Please communicate any dietary restrictions/food allergies to your child's teacher and/or our Pastor of Children and Families. We will work to ensure food options and an environment which meets your child's needs.
4. Can my child meet me in the sanctuary, fellowship hall, foyer etc.?
No. A parent or guardian must drop off and pick up children from their designated classroom. This applies to all children Nursery through 5th grade.
To read our "Children's Ministry Staff and Volunteer Handbook" in full, click HERE.
If you have any further questions or concerns please contact Pastor Dan at the office or through his email.